
Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Crone

Sorry I missed everyone last night, I was having computer troubles (sometimes I think these things are more trouble than they're worthlol). Anywho...unto the third and final aspect of the Triple Goddess, the Crone. As the Mother ages and moves past her childbearing years she develops into the crone. This elderly woman, though she is no longer active and energetic, has the power of knowledge. She is close to death and has a deep understanding of the world beyond this one. Through her experience, she has a deep understanding of how magic works. At this late stage in her life, the Crone has no use for baseless hopes and dreams. Instead, she focuses on what is deserved. Therefore this third of the Goddess symbolizes justice. Unfortunately, as is the case with some of the elderly, the crone can have her dark side. The fact that she is nearing the end of her time can leave her very bitter and angry. She may want to get all her thoughts out in the open before she is gone, often resulting in harsh criticisms. In addition, the Crone may be so determined to prove that she is still capable of handling herself, that she may end up isolating others.

Crone Correspondances

The Crone is tied to the waning/dark moon

The Crone's season is late Fall/early Winter

Her color is indigo

She is tied to dusk

Ger magical number is 6

The pagan ceremony for the Crone is Samhain-October 31

Crone Goddesses in Mythology







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