
Sunday, October 14, 2007

Look into my crystal ball....

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October is an excellent month for divination. One of the more difficult forms of seeing the future is known as scrying. In scyring it is possible to perceive events and obtain answers by way of the subconscious. This can be tough to master because it demands a deep understanding of the subconscious symbolism and an ability to understand these symbols. Unlike many other forms of divination which require you to look outside of yourself for answers, you have to look within while scyring. The most famous method of scrying is probably crystal gazing, where one seeks answers in a crystal ball. However, fire, mirrors, and water can also be used.


It's best to scry at night because this type of divination is linked to the moon. If you shoose to scry indoors, the only source of light should be candles. Music can be conductive to scrying, however it is not necessary. If you want to use music just make sure that it does not contain lyrics that will influence your visions. Seat yourself in a quiet comfortable place free from distractions. Either hold your scrying tool or have it set up in front of you. Begin with a short session of meditation to relax yourself and clear your mind. Once you begin scrying look into, not at your tool. Keep your eyes focused on one spot, but it's ok to blink :) It's very important that you do not let your mind wander. Often at the beginning of a scrying session you will get swirls of colors. This is normal, just relax and focus. If you can't get past the colors don't get frustrated, the colors themselves can have meaning and you can use traditional color symbolism to understand them. Put a time limit on your sessions (fifteen minutes is a good time to start out with. Keep in mind that scrying is not limited to sight, all five senses can receive info from this technique. Start a scrying journal and have it near you whenever you scry. Date each entry and write down your perceptions at the end of each session. Take another look at them the next day so you can work on interpreting them. If you are familiar with other types of divination you can use them to help interpret the info you got from scrying.
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