
Saturday, October 6, 2007

Altar prep

Hey in case any of you were intrested in setting up an altar for Samhain, here's some basic tips:

Place an altar cover of either brown, deep red, or orange on a surface. Have a God and/or Goddess symbol(s) and objects that represent earth (salt, pentegram,dirt...),air (feather,incense...),water (water obviously^_^), and fire (match, rock made of lava, red candle...). Decorate with Autumn leaves, fall flowers, apples, pumpkins, gourdes, corn, dollies, and stalks of grin.Altars are set up to pay respects to departed loved ones including pets so place photos of the deceased upon the altar as well. It can be set up on a bookcase, fireplace mantle, small wooden table, large flat rok, etc. As you pray at the altar, you can do more than pay respect to the dead, this is a perfect time to focus upon giving up bad habits and relationships. It is also a a time for scrying, protection spells.


SubtleScream said...

Under fire, did you say "math" in your discription? It seems interesting that a subject would be a symbol of fire... cool!

It sounds like something that most Christians need to take up, at least in the paying respect to passed over relatives part. At least to me, it seems as if the most we do is bury them and walk away. It's kind of sad...

Interesting, and pretty cool. I'm interested in learning more about your religion, and looking up the spirit you named in your post.

Dehlia said...
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Dehlia said...'s supposed to be match ill fix that...that would be cool though...Im really happy you're getting something out of this blog...if theres anything in particular you would like me to write on just let me know and I'll get to it asap :)